Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving and being busy

Thanksgiving had been quiet, but very nice. I spend it with friends at Club Hood for the Thanksgiving dinner and of course I had way too much food! Iggy got his share, I took a little turkey with me home:) oh boy did he gobbled it up like a vacuum cleaner.

The evening I spend planning and making dog toys and knitting. Oh and browsing for leftover turkey recipes online. Have to prepare when hubby comes home;)
I also plan on cooking more casseroles, which I can also freeze and we will bake when we are too lazy too cook. Kind of a new Years resolution. Not to spend money eating in restaurants. and had been a wonderful recourse for me.
And my daily tipnut emails.

Ah, I started weaving and I am totally in tomorrow I am running off to get my first loom. It is a small one from Schacht the Cricket, perfect for scarves:)

Surfing through ravelry something else caught my eye, but that has to wait a couple more....years...
a little espinner I found on this site